We create audio tours from the future.
working with local authors to promote political imagination
making monuments
for the future
developing techniques for location-based
speculative fiction
Speculative Tourism is an international project that operates at the crossroads of science fiction, historical tourism, Augmented Reality and local action. Our goal is freeing the political imagination, while shedding light on local identities and reacquainting ourselves with our lived environments; we use fiction and speculation to reveal different ways of taking responsibility for our habitats and our future. Speculative Tourism is also our response, as digital designers, to current trends in Augmented Reality technologies.
Created by Mushon Zer Aviv and Shalev Moran.
Speculative Tourism & AudioSpatial Storytelling
Mushon talks about the background of the project, 2017
54 minutes
Designing Tomorrows - Science Fiction as a Method
Shalev talks about some of our methods, 2019
8 minutes
(from 05:00)
Mushon Zer-Aviv is a designer, an educator and a media activist based in Tel Aviv.
See more of his work at mushon.com
Shalev Moran is a game designer, curator, and artist based in Copenhagen.
See more of his work at shalevmoran.com
Send us an email.
This website was built with the kind support of the Mozilla Foundation.
Many thanks to Julia Kloiber and Jon Rogers for overseeing this process.
Find out more at foundation.mozilla.org
© 2019 by Mushon and Shalev.